To remove a report from the report log, you have the option to archive a previously submitted report. Once a report has been archived, the report will by default be hidden view on the report log. However, archived reports can be viewed and restored, if needed.
Any user with access to view a particular report also has the option to archive that report. This includes the original submitter, as well as all reviewers of that report. Learn how to configure report permissions.
Archiving a submitted report
To archive a submitted report on Android:
1. Navigate to the Field Reports section in the Android app.
2. Tap on the applicable report from the list of report types.
3. Tap to view one of the submitted reports in the list.
4. Tap on the trash can icon in the center of the upper toolbar.
5. Tap ‘Archive’ to confirm you want to archive this submitted report.
Viewing archived reports
To view a previously archived report on Android:
1. Navigate to the report log in the app.
2. Then, tap on the filters menu and tap ‘show archived reports.’
3. Archived reports will be sorted into a new section 'Archived' with an orange label.
Restoring an archived report
To restore a previously archived report on Android:
1. Navigate to the report log in the app.
2. Then, tap on the filters menu and tap ‘show archived reports.’
3. Tap on one of the archived reports in the list to view the report.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the report details and tap ‘restore report’.
5. Tap ‘Restore’ to confirm you want to restore this report.
6. The report will move back to the submitted section of the report log.