Note: PlanGrid will install on Windows 10 or later (not compatible with Windows RT devices or Windows phones).
Logging In
Viewing Sheets
Switching Between Your Projects
Logging In
1. Double click the icon to open.
2. Log in using your existing credentials. If you do not yet have a PlanGrid account, you will need to first create an account on a web browser following the link in your project or license invitation email.
3. Next you will see the list of all of your projects. If you do not yet have projects in the PlanGrid cloud, you must first upload them at Click "Create New Project" to be directed to the website.
If there are updates to your project since your last log in, you will see an “Update” yellow badge on the project title, just like the red update badge on the iOS and Android Mobile apps. This indicates that there are updates ready to download.
4. To download your project, double click on the project name, or highlight the project name and click "Open".
Please note: You will need an internet connection to download your project. Once downloaded, the project can be accessed offline, without an internet connection.
Viewing Sheets
A Few Quick Tips:
- Quickly search for sheets by using the search bar available in the sheets section. The search bar allows you to search for sheets by name or description:
- Filter your sheets from grid-view by using your project tags, version names, sheets with Personal/Published Markups, recent sheet, or sheets with Issues.
- Hide your filters by clicking on the "filter" button on the upper right corner:
- Navigate quickly between sheets using the Left and Right arrows your keyboard.
- Navigate quickly between different versions of the same sheet using the Up and Down arrows on your keyboard.
- Open two sheets by right clicking on a sheet (or tap-and-hold on your Surface) from grid-view.
To view sheets:
1. Your project will open to a grid-view of your sheets.
2. Use the Project Tags and Versions on the right side of the grid-view to filter and search for specific sheets. You can view any download progress by opening and viewing the sync queue in the top right corner
3. To open a sheet to view, double click the sheet's thumbnail. You can expand or minimize the sheet window, and zoom into the sheet either by scrolling your mouse (computer), or pinching the screen (tablet).
4. To open multiple sheets in separate windows for viewing side by side, right click on the new sheet you want to open, and choose "Open in New Window".
5. To view different versions of the same sheet side by side:
- Open the sheet once.
- Open it again in a new window by right clicking and selecting "Open in New Window".
- When the second window opens, use the grey box in the upper left corner of the sheet view to select the version you want to compare.
Note: The Windows App provides something that neither the iOS nor the Android App provide - while you’re on-line, the system checks for updates periodically and lets you know whether any changes have been made to the published project by another team member. You can then re-load the project to download the most current version of the project onto your computer.
Switching Between Your Projects
1. Click "File" in the upper left corner.
2. Click "Open Project".
3. Your full project list will open. Select a new project to open.
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