Setting up PlanGrid Single Sign-On (SSO) in Azure Active Directory
Setting up PlanGrid
Setting up PlanGrid Single Sign-On (SSO) in Azure Active Directory
i. Go to the Azure Active Directory tab
ii. Go to Enterprise Applications
iii. Click "New Application"
iv. Click "Non-gallery application"
1. For the "Name" enter "PlanGrid"
2. Click "Add"
v. Select "Single Sign On"
1. For "Single Sign-on Mode" select "SAML-based Sign On"
2. For "Identifier" put
3. For "Reply URL" put ""
4. For "User Identifier" select "user.mail"
5. Select "View and edit all other user attributes"
a. Click "Add attribute"
b. For "Name" enter ""
c. For "Value" select "user.mail"
d. Click "Ok"
6. Click "Save"
7. Click "Configure PlanGrid". This has information needed for configuring PlanGrid.
Setting up PlanGrid
i. Sign in to Admin Console
ii. Select the organization for which you're setting up Single Sign-On
iii. Go to the SSO Configuration Tab
iv. Click "Add Provider"
1. Select Azure Active Directory
v. Fill in the fields with:
1. Copy Azure's value for "SAML Single Sign-On Service URL" into "SAML Single Sign-On Service URL"
2. Copy Azure's value for "SAML Entity ID" into "SAML Entity ID"
3. Download Azure's "SAML XML Metadata" and upload it to the "SAML XML Metadata" section.
4. Click "Save"
vi. Go to the organization users tab
vii. Select your account and hit "Enable SSO"
1. Click "Done"