You can sort and filter your photos in PlanGrid for ease of viewing and generating photo reports, as well as view headers on mobile based on your sort criteria. Current sort options include: taken on date, added on date, and photo title; with taken on date, most recent will be sorted on the top of the gallery as the default.
Current filters include: Taken on date, added on date, photo type (video, photo, 360 photo), User (who added the photo), photo title, Sheet name (when photo is associated to a sheet), and created in RFI/Field Reports (on Web only, defaults to photos visible with the option to filter out RFI/field report photos).
Web Filters:
From the Photos tab, click the “Filter” icon in the upper right to choose and apply filters to your photos. If you would like to exclude photos that were uploaded as part of an RFI or Field Report, be sure to check the box marked “Hide Photos and Videos from Field Reports and RFIs” to hide them in the gallery view.
IOS Filters:
From the Photos tab, tap the funnel icon in the upper right. Here you will see options to filter and sort your photos; you can tap any of the filters to input data for the fields you want use to select photos. You can tap one of the options for the sort order. If you sort by Taken On or Added On date, headers will bundle photos by date. The header is removed if you sort by title. You will also see photos uploaded as part of an RFI or Field Report in the gallery and can select the hide/show option to turn off that function, and can tap again to bring them back into view if needed.
If you choose to filter by Photo Type, you will see another box open up to tap that choice and can tap the “back” button to get to the main sort list again.
Android Filters:
From the Photos tab, tap the funnel icon in the upper right. Here you will see options to filter and sort your photos; you can tap any of the filters to input data for the fields you want use to select photos. You can tap one of the options for the sort order: Ascending or Descending date that the photo was added. You will also see photos uploaded as part of an RFI or Field Report in the gallery and can select the hide/show option to turn off that function, and can tap again to bring them back into view if needed.
Windows Filters:
From the Photos tab, you can choose a sort order and filter images for Windows. To update the sort order, click the Sort icon on the right under the “export” button and next to the “add media” button. You can tap one of the options for the sort order. If you sort by Taken On or Added On date, headers will bundle photos by date. The header is removed if you sort by title. You will also see photos uploaded as part of an RFI or Field Report in the gallery and can select the hide/show option to turn off that function, and can tap again to bring them back into view if needed.
To choose filters, tap the “Filter” funnel icon in the upper right.