Within Field Reports, you can archive a previously submitted report. Once a report has been Archived, the report will by default be hidden view on the report log. However, Archived reports can be viewed and restored, if needed.
Any user with access to view a particular report also has the option to archive that report. This includes the original Submitter, as well as all Reviewers of that report. Learn how to configure report permissions.
As a Manager of a template, you can also permanently delete or archive the template itself. Please note that permanently deleting a template will also permanently delete all submitted reports and drafts in that template, and cannot be undone. Archiving a template will allow for submitted reports to be restored if needed, but any drafts would be permanently deleted.
- Archiving a Submitted Report
- Archiving Multiple Reports and Drafts
- Viewing Archived Reports
- Restoring an Archived Report
- Permanently Deleting Templates
- Archiving Report Templates
Archiving a Submitted Report
To archive a submitted report on the web:
1. Navigate to the ‘Field Reports’ section on PlanGrid.
2. Click "Reports" - You now have the option to view the reports by "List All Reports", or you can click on a certain Template for it to display only the reports submitted in that Template.
3. Click on the submitted report from the list that you want to archive
4. Click the red ‘Archive’ button in the upper right corner
Archiving Multiple Reports and Drafts
To Archive multiple reports, please navigate to the optional areas of your reports, as shown above. From there, you will be able to select multiple boxes, and then see the Archive button at the top.
Note: If you Archive a draft, it will be permanently deleted, and cannot be restored.
Viewing Archived Reports
1. Navigate to the ‘Field Reports’ section on PlanGrid.
2. Click "List All Reports" or click one of the report type names in the list to filtered by report type.
3. Click on the ‘Filters’ menu at the top right.
4. Click to select the ‘Archived’ status filter, then click ‘Apply Filters.’
5. All archived reports will be displayed in the log, noted with an orange ‘Archived’ labeled.
Restoring an Archived Report
1. Navigate to the ‘Field Reports’ section on PlanGrid.
2. Click "List All Reports" or click one of the report type names in the list to filtered by report type.
3. Click on the ‘Filters’ menu at the top right.
4. Click to select the ‘Archived’ status filter, then click ‘Apply Filters.’
5. All archived reports will be displayed in the log, noted with an orange ‘Archived’ labeled.
6. Click on the intended report to restore, and click the "Restore" button at the top.
7. This will instantly restore the Field Report, as you should see a confirmation on the bottom left.
Permanently Deleting Templates
1. Navigate to the ‘Field Reports’ section on PlanGrid and the "templates" tab
2. Check the intended Template that you would like to delete; if need be, you can select multiple at once.
3. Click on "Edit" at the top
4. Click on the "Garbage Can" icon on the top right right
5. Please note that the template and the existing reports within it will be permanently deleted. You will see a prompt that will ask you to confirm that the action cannot be undone.
Archiving Report Templates
1. Navigate to the Field Reports section of PlanGrid and the "templates"
2. Check the box next to the name(s) of the template(s) you wish to archive
3. Click the "archive" button in the upper center to archive the template and all submitted reports; you will be prompted to confirm or cancel the archive.
4. Remember: Archiving a template will allow for submitted reports to be restored if needed, but any drafts would be permanently deleted.