Answers to some commonly asked questions about task tracking and using punch lists with PlanGrid.
What are task stamps and where can I view them?
Can I customize task stamps to my project's needs?
Can I share task reports with non-PlanGrid users?
What is a Watcher on a Task?
Who can view my stamps?
How will I know when a task is assigned to me?
What does it mean to archive a task?
How do I permanently remove a task from my project's records?
Information about Permission Levels and Task Tracking
What are Task stamps and where can I view them?
Task stamps are a way to define and track taskss in your project. Each stamp has a two-character code within a circle. Codes are customizable to your project needs. For instructions, go here.
When you place a stamp on a drawing, you can assign it to a team member, give it a location number, a description, add photos, even change the color. As updates are made to the task, you can change the status of the stamp to "Pending", "Resolved", or "Closed".
Your Tasks are available in a running list on the website of all of the stamps you've created. You can access it in the Tasks page of your project at In your Tasks page you can sort tasks by type, who created them, who they're assigned to, when they were created, what sheet they're on, and more. You can even create and share detailed reports about tasks.
Can I customize task stamps to my project's needs?
Yes! Stamps are customizable to adapt to your specific project. Administrators of projects can add and remove the Task stamps in use on the project for the entire team. For instructions on how to create custom stamps from the website or the mobile app, please go here.
Can I share task reports with non-PlanGrid users?
Yes! You can email reports directly from the website or mobile app, or download and print reports for physical distribution. For instructions on creating and exporting detailed Task Reports, click here.
When adding a Watcher to your Task, this means that the user will receive updates in the app to that given Task ID. Please note that when adding a watcher, they must be a Team Member in the project, existing in the Team Tab.
Note: If the Watcher is a Power Collaborator or Admin in the Project, they will still have the power to make any edits to the Task. Currently, the only permission level where a Team Member will not be able to make any edits is a Collaborator.
Who can view my task stamps?
All tasks created within a project are available to all project team members through the Tasks list at
Your stamps will only be available to other team members from the Tasks page until you publish those to the project. Once published to the project, everyone else on the team will see the stamp on the sheet where it was created. To learn about publishing to the project, please go here.
How will I know when a Task has been assigned to me?
There are a few ways to know a task has been assigned to you.
- When you open your project on your iPad, you'll get an events notification showing an item has been assigned to you.
- You'll receive a notification in your Daily Digest email if you have it set up.
- You’ll receive daily Open Task Notification emails if you have the option set up.
To learn how to set up and manage your Daily Digest and your email notifications please go here.
What does it mean to archive a task?
Archiving allows you to remove non essential stamps from the sheet view while retaining a record of the task in the Tasks Log of the project on the website. Once archived, the stamp will no longer be available to the project team to access from the sheet. However, all stamp information (including photos and the original location of the stamp on the sheet) will still be available to the entire team from the Tasks Log at Because archived stamps can’t be restored, we recommend to only archive Closed punch stamp.
To archive a Task:
- 1. Click or tap on a Task in the sheet.
- 2. Tap or click on the trashcan icon.
- 3. Choose "Archive".
How do I permanently remove a task from my project’s records?
Once you permanently delete a stamp, there's no going back - all records of the stamp will be gone from your project.
To permanently delete a stamp from the iOS app, tap on the trashcan icon in the stamp and choose the option to permanently delete your stamp.
To permanently delete a stamp from the Android app, tap on “Remove” icon in the stamp and choose the option to “Delete” your stamp.
To permanently delete a stamp from the website, open the stamp on a sheet, and click the trashcan icon in the stamp and choose the option to permanently delete your stamp. You can also delete from the Task Log: search for the stamp you’d like to delete, click on the stamp icon at left. It will take you to a view of the stamp on the sheet. Follow the steps above to delete the stamp.
Information about Permission Levels and Task Tracking
Admins, Power Collaborators, and Collaborators can create and assign task stamps. Admins and Power Collaborators have access to all features and can delete and assign items at will. They can also publish stamps to the entire team. Collaborators are limited. See FAQ's on non-admin rights below.
For information on the difference between admins, power collaborators and collaborators project wide, go here.
As a collaborator on the project, can I…
...publish tasks to the team?
No, only Admins and Power Collaborators can publish task stamps to the project.
...assign task stamps to other users?
Yes, when you assign a stamp to another user, it will appear as a personal markup on that user's plans. The team member you assign it to will not be able to delete the stamp or change the status to closed unless he/she is an Admin or Power Collaborator.
...close task stamps?
No, only Admins and Power Collaborators can close out tasks. You can change the stamp's status to anything but “Closed” (unless it’s a self-assigned stamp).
...delete or archive an task stamp?
You can delete and archive only the stamps you have created. Stamps that have been assigned to you can only be deleted/archived by an Admin or Power Collaborator or by the team member who created the stamp.
...create Task reports?
Yes, you can generate and share Task reports from your account on the website. Just log in to our website, and follow these steps.
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