The following steps will show you how to Delete or Archive a Task. Please note that once a Task is Deleted or Archived, it cannot be restored back to it's original state.
This article also goes over what happens to Tasks once a sheet is deleted that contains that Task, as well as how this relates to multiple versions of sheets.
Deleting and Archiving a Task
• Permanently Deleting Tasks on a Multi-Versioned Sheet
• Archiving a Task on a Multi-Versioned Sheet
Deleting and Archiving Multiple Tasks
• iOS (Permanently Delete or Archive)
• Web (Permanently Delete Only)
• Windows (Permanently Delete Only)
Deleting Sheets That Contain Tasks
To Delete a Task on any platform, simply click on the Task, followed by either a "Remove" or "Delete" button (On Android and Windows, it will just be a "garbage can" icon).
From there, you will have an option to either Permanently Delete or Archive the Task.
As shown below, Archiving will still allow you to view the Task on the website's Task Log; furthermore, this will still let you include the Task in a report, if need be.
Permanently Deleting Tasks on a Multi-Versioned Sheet
Please note that deleting a Task from any version of multi-versioned sheet will permanently delete it from the whole project. If you would like to delete it from a particular sheet version only, please choose to Archive it instead.
Archiving a Task on a Multi-Versioned Sheet
If you intend to permanently archive a Task, and that sheet has multiple versions behind it that holds that same Task, you will need to Archive it in those versions as well for it to show as "Archived" in the Task Log. For a workaround, you can use our iOS App to archive a Task from the iOS Task Log in one action.
Deleting and Archiving Multiple Tasks
Deleting multiple Tasks at once can be done from the Website, iOS, and the Windows App.
Important: Please note that our Windows App and the Website can only permanently delete, when deleting multiple at once. If you would like to Archive multiple Tasks at once, please use our iOS app, if possible.
(For Android users, multi-deleting or archiving is not yet available)
iOS (Permanently Delete or Archive)
1. Open the Task Log at the bottom, and click the top right menu button
2. Click "Select Tasks"
3. Select intended Tasks, and hit "Edit" at the top.
4. Scroll to the bottom and hit "Remove"
5. Confirm to either "Archive or "Delete Forever"
1. Click the Task tab on the left, followed by the "Tasks" sub-tab
2. Select the intended Tasks
3. Once you are sure, please click the "Delete" button in red at the top
4. Lastly, it will confirm once more that you're sure you want to delete
Windows App (Permanently Delete Only)
1. Click the Tasks icon on the left
2. Select the intended Tasks, and click the "Garbage Can" icon on the right hand pop up pane
4. Lastly, it will confirm once more that you're sure you want to delete
Deleting Sheets That Contain Tasks
Upon deleting a sheet that contains Tasks, the Tasks will remain active in the Task Log (not Archived). They will still be able to be edited or viewed on the website (and mobile), if need be.
Note: When viewing the Task info in the Task Log on web, if the "View Sheet" button is clicked, you will receive a message that it has been deleted, and that it may have limited functionality. (See Image Below)
In the following GIF image, A-000 has been deleted, as it's Task ID #22 still remains in the Task Log.