- Project List
- Navigation Toolbar
- Grid View vs List View
- Thumbnail Icons
- Viewing Sheets Fullscreen
- Switching Between Projects
- Accessing Your Account Settings Page
- Project Settings
Project List
Once you log into your account via the web, you'll be taken to the Project List screen where you can select and open the project you need to work on. Click on the column titles to sort your project list by ascending/descending project Name, Permission Level on the project, number of Sheets, number of Team members, Project Code, Status of the Project, and date the project was Last Updated, making it easier to find the project you need.
Note: If a project's address has been added via the Project Settings, it'll appear under the project title, as shown above.
Navigation Toolbar
Once you access a project, use our handy icons to navigate around the website and access all of your project information. You can hover over each icon to see the title, or use our guide below to get familiar with the navigation toolbar.
Home: At-a-glance overview of your project; here you can see the project timeline and milestones, easily add sheets or team members, access a rolling log of recent activity, view the weather for the project's location, and have a access summary of your assigned work as well as project work.
Sheets: Use this icon to access all the blueprints that have been added to your project. To learn how to upload sheets to your project, go here.
Tasks: All the tasks created within your project, regardless of who creates them, will sync back to this rolling list. From here you can view, edit, and manage all of the tasks, as well as run detailed reports for sharing and printing. For more information on using PlanGrid’s Tasks, go here.
RFIs: Here you can create, view, edit, and manage all of the PlanGrid RFIs within your project, as well as run comprehensive RFI logs. Please note, this is only for PlanGrid RFIs. To manage RFIs created outside of PlanGrid, use the “Documents” section, below. For more information on creating and using PlanGrid’s basic RFIs, go here. For more information about our Advanced RFIs add-on feature, go here.
Field Reports: A way to securely complete, submit, and review any report from within PlanGrid. Here, you can upload or create report templates, create and fill out reports for templates that have been assigned to you, and view drafts/submitted reports for review.
Documents: This is for all of your non-blueprint project information including, but not limited to: Specs, submittals, ASIs, RFIs that were not created with PlanGrid, etc. By adding your non-blueprint project information here, you will give your entire team access to those documents both on the website and offline in the field. To learn more about uploading your project documents, go here.
Photos: All your project photos will sync back to this main gallery. You can also find your main Snapshots gallery here. For more information on uploading photos go here and for sorting/filtering photos go here; for more information on using PlanGrid’s Snapshots feature, please go here.
Submittals: Accessible when the project is tied to an organization that has enabled the Submittals/ASL add on features. Create submittal items, assign them to submitters, pass them along for review, and published approved submittals—all in one place. Keep your project on track by seeing exactly where each submittal is in the review process.
Team: Manage your project team here. You can add team members, manage their permission levels, and remove users from the project. For more information on managing your project team, go here.
Settings: Here you can view and leave project-wide comments, edit the project title, generate drawing and document logs, export as-builts, remove the project from your account, as well as leave a project or permanently delete the entire project for all users. For more information on exporting as-builts, go here.
Grid View vs List View
Grid View
PlanGrid has two different ways to access your sheets on the web. For general viewing, the grid view displays your sheets as thumbnail icons. Clicking on each thumbnail takes you immediately to the online sheet viewer.
You can also filter by Tag or Version to view only certain sheets. For more information about searching and filtering on the web, click here.
List View
To generate a shareable or downloadable link, add tags to sheets, edit versions, delete sheets or add documents, you must switch to list view, using the list view button.
Once in list view, you can search and filter by tags or versions just like you can in grid view, but you can also export groups of sheets, and add or remove tags, and edit sheet names and descriptions.
- To make individual sheet selections, click the checkbox to the left of each sheet.
- To make batch changes or to download your sheets, use the "select all" selection box to the left of the Sheet Name column title to select all of the displayed sheets. This option will only select the sheets that are currently shown, based on the search, tag, and version filters you've set on the right hand side of the page.
For more information about the options in List View, click the links below:
- Changing a Version Name
- Adding and Removing Project Tags
- Deleting Sheets
- Adding Documents
- Sharing and Printing Sheets
Thumbnail Icons
There are several different thumbnail icons that can appear beneath your sheets in the grid view on the website or mobile app.
- Square with a number: This represents the number of revisions to each sheet. You can view older versions on the website by clicking the version filter in your Sheets tab. If no version is selected, then the most recent version of the sheets are shown.
- Star: Indicates a sheet that has been favorited
- Personal Markup (squiggle): There is a markup on this sheet. These markups are your own personal notes and other team members cannot see these mark ups when viewing the project from their accounts . This marker in the grid view is always red, no matter what color the actual markups are.
- Crown: There is a published markup on this sheet. Click into the sheet to view it.
- Paperclip: There is a document linked to this sheet.
Viewing Sheets Fullscreen
Note: This feature is not available with Internet Explorer as we no longer support the browser.
1. In your project, click on the 'Sheets' icon, then search for a sheet or scroll through to find the sheet you'd like to view.
2. Click on the thumbnail in the gallery view of sheets or the sheet's line in list view, and you will be taken directly to the sheet viewer.
3. You can zoom in and out of your drawing using the “+” and “-” options in the upper left corner of the sheet viewer. To move the zoomed sheet back to the original view, click the icon with 4 arrows pointing inward in the middle of zoom in/out. To expand to full-screen view, click the square button below the zoom in/out on the right side.
Switching Between Projects
1. If you are already viewing a project and would like to switch to another project, tap on the project name in the upper lefthand corner.
2. Then select the project you would like to view.
Accessing Your Account Settings Page
To get into your account page, click on your name in the upper right corner and then select ‘Account Settings’.
From the account settings page you can:
- Change your name as it appears in PlanGrid
- Change the email address you use to log in and receive notifications, and how often you get them.
- Upgrade your account or cancel your web subscription
- Change your associated company name, which shows on your card under the Team icon
- Change your contact phone number
- Change your password
- Delete your account
For more information about editing, managing, and viewing your account settings, click here.
Project Settings
Inside the project settings you can add comments, change a project name, delete or remove a project, clone a project, and generate and download as-builts, drawing and documents log.
To get to the project settings:
1. Click on the project.
2. Click on the settings tab on the navigation menu.
Project Profile
Under the project profile, you can add or edit:
- The Project Name
- Add a Project Code
- Select the Project Type from a dropdown list of options.
- Add the project Status
- Enter the Client/Owner information
- Enter the project Start Date
- Enter the End Date if the project is done
- Add the address, which you can type and select from the map addresses that appear, or to manually type the address.
Any team member can access the Project Profile, but only Admins can Edit the information. To do so, click on the "Edit info" button:
To add comments, Click into the field to begin editing, and click ‘Post’ to post the comment for the whole team to view. For more info about adding comments, click here.
Project Actions
You can remove a project from your account or delete a project permanently for all users under project actions. Only administrators in a project will see the option to permanently delete. Projects that are linked to an organization can only be permanently deleted by an organization administrator; the option will not appear for project administrators who are not also organization level administrators.
Please Note: The ‘Permanently Delete’ option deletes this project for all users on the project team, and you will have no way to restore this project. You can learn more about permanently deleting a project here.
Cloning a project creates a project duplicate that provides you the ability to make a copy of the current project for your own personal use, or to use a current project as a template for future projects. You can duplicate your sheets (including versions, tags, and automatic hyperlinks), documents, project team, and any customized issue stamps or RFI statuses.
As-builts, Drawing and Current Set Log, and Documents log all give you a way to export project information to your computer.
As-builts: feature allows you to export your drawings, documents, and photos from PlanGrid to your computer or cloud storage.
Drawing and Current Set and Documents Log: will export as a CSV file for use in any spreadsheet program, and will include essential information about the project documents.
Related Articles:
- Managing Your Account
- Searching and Filtering Sheets
- Managing Your Sheet Limit
- Creating a New Project